Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sara Ganim, CNN, this is for you

1. Congressman Cardenas - show me one quote from Cardenas in this article that so much as mentions the University of North Carolina. You can't. Cause he's being lobbied with big bucks to go after the NCAA, not UNC. Where are the quotes as to exactly what he said?

2. Show me one quote in this article from former Congressman McMillen that so much as mentions the University of North Carolina. You can't. Cause his beef is with the NCAA, and how athletes are treated in general, not with UNC.

3. "The NCAA came to town and punished a few players and left". REALLY?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!

4. "Why did UNC need to create the easy-A classes?" WHAT A CHEAP TAWDRY TRICK. Why dont you ask the witness when he stopped beating his wife while you're at it? This is YOUR WAY of instilling the idea that UNC, the institution, CREATED EASY-A CLASSES, without coming out and saying it. Which, of course, you CAN'T do. Nice work.

5. Emmett Gill? This is your star witness? Wasnt he the same guy that was selling unauthorized trademarked UNC gear for profit on the internet and misrepresenting who the gear belonged to? (Hey, Sara, notice how I did that? I put it in the form of a question. Pretty cool, huh?)

6. "There was talk that the allegations could deliver a devastating blow to the institution, perhaps even going back to its 2005 and 2009 basketball championships." THERE WAS TALK?! What the heck does that mean? Is that journalism? There was talk?

7. "The school instituted more than 180 reforms to make sure paper classes did not continue." You bet your sweetass it did.

8. "McAdoo was one of the players caught up in the scandal.". McAdoo was caught CHEATING.

9. " We can't promise your son that he's going to go to the NFL, but one thing that we can promise him is that he will get a college degree.'They didn't make good on that promise". Guess what? Its difficult. You have to try, you have to study. A degree is promised to NO ONE. Ultimately, education lies with the student.

10. " On his second day of school, athletic advising handed him a schedule and told him what classes he'd be taking". HOLY CRAP, ME TOO ! I was a first semester freshman and they TOLD ME what I could take. Thats the way it works! I wanted to go right into my major, but they wouldnt let me. They told me I had to take remedial English first, and math, and two sciences, and a foreign language, and the history of the world in one semester! And when I was on the verge of flunking out and going to Viet Nam to get killed, my advisor told me about an easy class that I could add in to keep my GPA above the Mendoza line. Thank God.

11. Justice Orr - show me a quote in your article where he talks about an issue with UNC. You cant. Because just like the others mentioned in your article, his beef is with the NCAA, not with UNC.

12. "There are athletes -- including some who played on the 2009 championship basketball team -- who took as many as 12 paper classes". How do you know this? Whats your source? Where is your documentation? Isnt that illegal to access anyone's transcript? Were those classes while they were in school or after they left to pursue careers in basketball? Cause my son was in those classes with the players and he says they were in class EVERY DAY that the team wasnt on the road.

13. "The classes were used for summer classes for students who were playing baseball on the coast. ". Theres a shocker. How can you be in the classroom when you are 3,000 miles away? Thats why the classes are set up as independent studies. They have them at Harvard and Stanford, too.

14. "He (Wainstain) has already spoken to Willingham and Debbie Crowder, Nyang'oro's secretary, and has talked to Crowder about the other people in athletics who were aware of paper classes, according to Crowder's attorney." -- What other people in athletics? If you have information, then put it out there. If you dont have facts, then shut the F up until the facts come out. Whats with the vague hints? And what are you asserting? That someone in athletics knew that there were independent studies classes? Yeah, they probably knew that. Theres nothing wrong with that.

15. Your timing. To be part of a coordinated conspiracy, with a handful of other writers, under the guidance of a PR firm and a team of lawyers doling out cash to support the OBannon case, to be part of a targeted and timed conspiracy, is reprehensible. Yes, you have managed to intermingle the "UNC scandal" story with the larger big picture story against the NCAA that actually has merit for discussion. Great job. You are hurting the very kids that you claim to be helping. And you are being manipulated by others for their own greedy and personal motives. You should be ashamed. I give you an F.

- As posted by 'SaratogaHeel'


  1. " Guess what? Its difficult. You have to try, you have to study. A degree is promised to NO ONE."


  2. Deny, deflect. The new "Carolina Way." Over 200 fake classes and over 500 unauthorized grade changes were in the Martin Report and accepted by the University. It's not up for discussion. If you don't think that is institutionalized cheating I don't know what world you are living in.

    1. We know what world we're living in; the one where you and all of your like care more about bringing Carolina down than you do your own institutions. Let me guess. A Wolpfacker, perhaps? Guess what? It ain't happening. We made mistakes; we made changes. That is not the point; the point is that the media and so-called whistleblowers are trying to make it a grand Athletics conspiracy, and it ultimately is/was not. What sucks is that the media has now created a convenient defense for the rogue department head who basically created this entire mess on his own. It could have happened at any university, as most universities have a budget model centered on SCUs or "butts in seats." The incentive is to grow your department and hence your budget by adding more and more students. That's what he did, and that's what he will pay for. Did athletes take his classes at a higher percentage than the student body? Yes, they did. Guess what? As remarkable as it might seem to a rocket scientist like yourself, African American students are more likely to take African American Studies. Football and basketball teams at D-1 schools have a higher percentage of African Americans than the the overall student body. End of story. Move along.

  3. Dr. Blog is mad. Loller.

  4. Please, for the love of God, tell me that you Tarheel shills and apologists know how idiotic you look to anyone with half a brain. The only people that are going to buy your bologna from here on out are mindless, unscrupulous people who already desperately want to believe your nonsensical logic. Unless you are getting paid a substantial amount of money, just give the charade up already.

    1. Heck, most woofpeckers don't even believe Willingham is telling the truth anymore. There's still more evidence Obama is from Somalia than any institutional conspiracy at UNC. This story is pure garbage, being promoted for profits.

    2. Not sure where you're from, but this comment is typical of the Pack Pride method: just take as given that the school with which you're obsessed is crooked, and, with nary a single refutation to SaratogaHeel's excellent point-by-point refutation of the CNN piece, simply throw out words like 'unscrupulous' and 'nonsensical'. Would it be too much to ask for even a single example of where SaratogaHeel is missing some point? Give it a shot, champ. It's quite sad that a splendid university like UNC is being soiled by the irresponsible actions of a couple of their employees, but UNC has corrected this and, of course, will survive and thrive as one of the elite public universities in the land. Sadder still, though, and less likely to recover are the NCSU souls who are in so much pain that they must find a way to feel superior, even if that way is nothing but the goofy frothings of the tin-foil-hatted. I don't know if you're from Pack Pride, but regardless of the unfortunate now-corrected issues at UNC, that place, Pack Pride, is crazy-town, and anyone from the outside sees it exactly as such. And it's Tar Heels, not Tarheels, as anyone familiar with the history of the state knows.

    3. As a lifelong citizen of the great state of North Carolina, I have been praying for an end to this mess, as it casts a shadow on the entirety of the state, but as the story has played out, I have become so disgusted by the refusal to admit the scope of the wrongdoing, I now feel we should all be compelled to get to the absolute bottom of this matter.

      I suspect most of the individuals who are actively trying to subvert the truth are somehow personally involved and/or being paid to do so.

      This is clearly not a witch hunt.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Your comment was "anonymous internet tough guys. Scary."
      I imagine that is exactly what Sara Ganim, would think if she read your "blog".

  6. The haters take every word that agrees with their position as gospel. Anything that does not agree must be hiding something or lying. What a bunch of hypocrites.

    1. The UNCHEAT fans take every word that agrees with their position as gospel. Anything that does not agree must be hiding something or lying. What a bunch of hypocrites. See two can paint with that broad brush.

  7. You have the hypocrite part correct. Just pointin' in the wrong direction.

  8. Willingham's data is irrelevant; talk about grasping at straws...Die-hard take-it-in-the-can-with-a-powder-blue-sweater-tied-around-their-waists-Tarheels live in a dream world where they imagine if the data can be proved inaccurate, this goes away and they win. But how can you stop Dr. Nyangoro's trial, the two books and of course, potential Congressional hearings? Four years the powder blue Assclowns have paid through the nose for legal counsel, PR firms and even stole an ex-Governor's legacy to try and save few worthless towels hanging in the Nose Dome, all acquired via the worst cheating scheme in NCAA history. It's been an absolute pleasure to watch the most haughty, sanctimonious, cheating sacks of shit on the planet choke on their own vomit. Keep typing away Numbnuts...your dirty program is a dumpster fire the entire country is laughing at while it burns to the ground.

    1. That laughing you hear is directed at the NC Hate athletic department and it's history of below average performance. That and the fact that it has been sanctioned by the NCAA 5 separate times, but it's fan base wants to scream 'cheaters' at someone else.

      Let me know how the congressional hearing goes. I bet it goes a lot like the White House petition.

    2. So Ms Ganim,
      Looking back up at this chain of responses, would you rather be associated with the righteous indignation of th OP, or the homophobic rantings of the PackPride poster? The fact is, Willingham misled you, you fell for it, and you've been backed into a corner. But look around at the people who are happily in that corner with you and you must be uncomfortable.

  9. "Cause my son was in those classes with the players and he says they in class EVERY DAY that the team wasnt on the road."
    This sounds true. I bet the son did say "they in class". This shows the cognitive level of the family.

    1. Do you know what cognitive means?

  10. Pathetic NC State fans to the yellow journalist's rescue. What a shocker.
