The NCAA report into the investigation at the University of North Carolina has been completed. Sources who have seen the report have passed along the information it contains:
No issues with institutional control were found.
No issues were found with coaches or football staff in their dealings with agents as regarding the teams current or former players.
Two current players' and one former player's actions were the focus of the investigation: Marvin Austin, Greg Little, and Cam Thomas.
Greg Little did not have any issues. All travel and expenses were properly accounted for. No further action will occur.
Marvin Austin and Cam Thomas were both recipients of travel and expenses from their former teammate Kentwan Balmer for a trip to Los Angeles in the summer of 2009. Austin also had a meeting with an agent during that time which is an issue as he had not reached the age where this contact was allowed. The NCAA found no irregularities in money for Marvin Austin's trips to Miami in May of 2010.
Per NCAA precedent, both players will be allowed to donate a comparable amount to charity in exchange for the expenses paid by Balmer.
Marvin Austin will serve a 1 game suspension because of the agent contact.
This story has been affirmed by Chuck Oliver at 680 AM in Atlanta, GA and Fox in Charlote, NC
Fuck you wolfies! UNC will be fine!
ReplyDeleteDamn it. It didn't work.
ReplyDeleteSweet... a source... Let me post this on the N&O like I got the scoop!
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean my fan-base is back to noticing that I've completely fucked their program for the next 5 years?
ReplyDeleteThiz is BuLshitT! Ewe r eh lieing sac of shiT, droctor, blog!!!
Three wins and I'm still going to be fired at the end of the year! If only I had a bright red suit!!!
ReplyDeleteOH YEAH!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDammit, what's a guy got to do to get the heat off his seat?!!?!?!?!?! I thought for sure sending that stuff to the NCAA would result in them coming up with something better than THAT.
ReplyDeleteI did not have sex with that woman (Ms. Lewinski).
ReplyDeleteTOB will win his fourth in a row.
Heelzhoopzfn blows goats
ReplyDeleteJP Giglio - Are you saying Blake is not being investigated? Dang. There goes my Pulitzer for copying the Yahoo article with my byline.
ReplyDeleteDid you find that under your pillow along with the quarter for your tooth, young man?
This sucks! UNC is going to build one of the top 10 programs in the country no matter how much bitching my fanbase does! At least we have bass fishing!
ReplyDeleteUNC@Ch cheats and STILL can't beat N.C.State or win tire bowl. Ha haaa!
ReplyDeleteHonestly State fans, how bad does it suck to be you? I mean seriously, I'd like for one of you to just comment back and give us a good synopsis of what it's like to cheer for a fanbase, that hasn't done anything significant in two decades. How do you remain a fan of a team/university that is that pathetic. I honestly feel sorry for you. Maybe your children will get to go to a real college and they can experience some success in their lives...You fucking losers. Go Heels.
ReplyDeleteIf you can't go to college go to State!
ReplyDeleteblah, blah, blah...UNC@Ch is going to do this...UNC@Ch is going to do that...blah, blah, blah...
ReplyDeleteFACT: TOB-3
Recruiting rankings so far this year....
ReplyDeleteDook #43 > Wuffies #99
Heels #12 > Wuffies #99
Every other team in the ACC > Wuffies #99
So beating UNC is the only thing you Wuffies have to hang your hat on... you're gonna get a MUD HOLE stomped in you this year! MARK MY WORDS!!
blah, blah, blah....
Man I told dem beetchez I was straight. Now go get me sum o dem cupcakes.
ReplyDeleteFact: NC State = inferior school
ReplyDeleteFact: NC State fans care more about this NCAA investigation nonsense than their own crappy tam
Fact: go F yourselves... LOL
It looks like Dr. Blog has been the one credible source through these NCAA investigations.
ReplyDeletenow maybe people will see that we are DEAD LAST in recruiting for BCS schools! I guess people dont want to play for a proven mediocre coach like me
will suck cocks for a winning season!
ReplyDeleteOk, maybe you're not cheating bad enough to get caoght, but we're still going to kick your ass in recruiting with all this bad publicity.
ReplyDeleteOnly a unc@ch fan could come up with that one...
ReplyDeleteLook here you sister-fucking, sheep-molesting backwards inbred redneck shitstains: your school, your teams, and your fanbase is a giant fucking joke.
ReplyDeleteLOL...recruiting...lol, I'll take winning on the field.
"Ok, maybe you're not cheating bad enough to get caoght, but we're still going to kick your ass in recruiting with all this bad publicity. "
ReplyDeleteSays the team with the worst recruiting class in ALL of college football. LMFAO
if you can't go to college go to state, wins don't come by how much you hate. You will suck this year, and i won't shed a tear. No i don't know how to put a tractor into 5th gear, but when we beat state ill celebrate with beer. If you can't go to college go to state!
ReplyDeleteIt will be great when the NCAA finds out UNC did nothing wrong, AT MOST, big marv is suspended for a game and we beat state by 4 td's
Giglio is awful by the way
ok, wal-marters...LOL! You are going to call others redneck? Better red than a bunch of fags.
ReplyDelete"LOL...recruiting...lol, I'll take winning on the field."
ReplyDeleteSays the team without a winning record since 2005.
At least they're #1 in recruiting in Bass Fishing!
ReplyDeleteI could shit on the fucking application from NC State and get into the Honors Program there
ReplyDeleteyou'll take winning on the field? HAHAHAHA
ReplyDelete5 LOSING SEASONS in a row moron! but but at least you beat carowhina right HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
jmoney...blah, blah, blah...
ReplyDeleteGO HEELS!!!! Hahaha and a big LOL at the wuffies who believed everything he said hahah ya'll are kinda pathetic
If you want to know where this information comes from, you don't have to look far.
ReplyDeletePS. State. I actually am truly sorry for you. You guys can't catch a break. I feel bad. Really. Maybe you'll win an award for your next farm project or something.
If we could only play unc@ch more during the season...
ReplyDeleteGeez, I figured beating UNC was enough to make up for losing the rest of our games... guess the A.D. didn't think so.
ReplyDeleteWe're the red and white from State and we're really good with plows
ReplyDeleteWe like to fuck our sisters right before we screw our cows
This cow shit got the best of me, I wish I went to UNC
But they don't teach animal sodomy
Hey NCeST's fans? How is yall's recruiting class for 2011? How soon before O'Brien is fired because yall turn on coaches faster grass into a cowpie(thought that would make sense to yall).
ReplyDeleteUNC is going to kill NCeST this year in football even if Little and Big Marv didn't play.
see you on the field.
ReplyDeletegoodnight fags!
ReplyDeletePurchase red shoes, it will get you two extra seasons.
Chuckles the Clown
"If we could only play unc@ch more during the season..."
ReplyDeletewhy you enjoy losing on the road?
I can't wait until late September when we become football school and then in January when we become a Bass Fishing school.
ReplyDeletesorry, my grammar is no good, i meant we become a basketball school in september.
ReplyDeletei'm not a state or unc fan. moved here from massachusetts years ago, but for you guys talking shit about state.........
the unc stereotype of the pompous prick thing is exaggerated and the state redneck stereotype is exaggerated. get a life guys.
i reely dew tink dat mie skool NCeST iz gon b reel gud n dat footboll sprt dis yeer. itz gon b moor fun dan watchin' a heffer giv birf!!!!!
ReplyDeletewhen you hate your rival more than you love yourself you are a loser
ReplyDeleteyes, but when you love yourself as much as you hate your rival...you're living a great life
ReplyDeleteI lyke fukin muh sistur in tha ayass ever' nite
ReplyDeleteNo wonder you suck at recruiting, you're boring as shit.
Anonymous said...
i'm not a state or unc fan. moved here from massachusetts years ago, but for you guys talking shit about state.........
the unc stereotype of the pompous prick thing is exaggerated and the state redneck stereotype is exaggerated. get a life guys
I have nothing to say about the blog. However, I will say this: one great thing about giant sagging man-boobs is that you can suck your titties.
ReplyDeleteThat is all.
Seriously, who cares about State? They are not UNC's rival. dook is. No one outside of the triangle knows who state is. Those that did have forgotten. If only their teams gave as much effort as their message board fan base, but sadly they don't. A pathetic athletic program, easily one of the worst in the nation. I truly feel sorry for them. Pretty much the fat kid who gets picked last.
ReplyDeleteMove back to Mass, tonight.
ReplyDeletetotally tru. I lived in florida for a while and noone knew who nc state was. Man that was the best thing about living there
ReplyDeleteyes, but when you love yourself as much as you hate your rival...you're living a great life
ReplyDeletei fink we lost the wuffies on dat one... it were 2 deep to understans
Tire Bowl. Tire Bowl.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Frank Beamer cares that much about a football team that perenially wins only 7-8 games, loses in the Tire Bowl (if they even make a bowl), loses to UVA & NCSt, and has managed to beat VT once since they been in the conference (and that was somewhat of a fluke). Not to mention, their fanbase consists of a bunch of arrogant, phony, liberal douches that don't even pay attention to football. Yeah, Frank is REAL concerned about you people.
ReplyDeleteWho are you calling phony?
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHA...site is so fake, its not even close to looking to "legit"
ReplyDeleteGood try holes. HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAAHAH
How is this blog more or less legit than any other that is quoted and linked on the internet?
ReplyDeleteDoes legit mean "the ones with a message I like"?
Sounds like some wishful thinking. WRAL is reporting that Baddour has stated that the results are not yet in. I'd think that if they knew anything that they would immediately want to address the issue and put it to bed.
ReplyDeleteAlso, UNC = useless liberal arts institution.
I fixed it for you
ReplyDeleteUNC = nationally-respected, useless liberal arts institution.
Its funny to read all the Carolina fans, which the majority never attended carolina, talk trash about state fans enjoying the investigation. I guess if put in the same situation I too would release my anger out in the comment section of a totally useless post in a failed attempt to make my school look better.
ReplyDeleteSays the guy who just posted on it.
ReplyDeletewe have more alums than unc. theres no way that unc has any football fans that are alums. all they care about is basketball. they dont even field a d1 fishing team. how is that a sucksessful athletic program? they're coaches dont even wear oversized sports jackits with their team colors. its cuz their gay
ReplyDeleteSounds about right
ReplyDeletesorry wuffshack.... no pain relief here for ya
and btw, you are still State
This blog is a phony. It has been set up to fire up the State fans. Every single one of you is a complete idiot. The NCAA as not made any rulings yet. When they do, we will be alerted via an actual media outlet.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, you are all an embarrassment to your respective institutions.
ReplyDeletea phony blog
no moron the blog is quite real. Your dumbass just posted on it.
If you are refuteing the information reported on the blog, please plead your case and cc Giglio while yer at it.
I told that asswipe Pete Carroll that I could pull it off. How's about it Petey? That's how you cheat clean dickhead.
ReplyDeleteHey, f#cktard. Here's your information.
Keep dreaming UNC fans. Your somewhat improving football program is about to get crucified. Bye Bye, Blake and if you think Butch will stick around for the aftermath then you are deluded. Also 0-13 for 2009 has a nice ring to it...
ReplyDeleteState fans care more about an alleged infraction under investigation and still unconfirmed into UNC-CH and UNC-CH doesn't even recognize State as a legitimate opponent much less a rival on any level in any sport.
You guys should really go to the comment section for that site Oneal posted. UNXfan and Statefan have gone completely apesh*t. It’s all become pretty hilarious.
ReplyDeleteWalker, you're g@y.
ReplyDeleteCreated to fire up State fans?
ReplyDeleteSomeone thinks a lot of themselves.
I have no life. My penis is small. I root for State and Carolina but went to EZU.
ReplyDeleteGiglio-MMMM , if I cut and paste this do I have to come into work tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteIf UNC "sucks" so bad then why is it UNC-Raleigh's only goal in life to beat them and lose to everybody else?
ReplyDelete"UNC-CH doesn't even recognize State as a legitimate opponent"
ReplyDeleteSo does that mean the past three years of football UNC had one less "legitimate loss?"
fuck all you inbred fudgepackers from moo-u!
ReplyDeleteHello Tar Heel Fans! Did State and Carolousy play last season. Oh yes,and the Toad Heels fell just short , i am so sorry. So this year will be no different, Carolina will win big games, talk trash,and in the end maybe lose anoyher tire bowl. They might be better off just changing Tony Stewarts tires and calling it a win. I think they might could beat the basketball team though. Grow up, its only a game.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to go to college, go to Carolina, they are superior to anyone in the country at impersonating a great program. They are want to be's that never have been. The basketball program is great despite last season, the baseball team is good, the football team will never climb that mountain as long as they choke at the end of every season.Winners find a way to win, and losers find a way to choke.
ReplyDeleteBreaking News out of Chapel Hill. The NCAA found no major infractions as well as no major football progam. They left with the parting words to Butch Davis, get out quick,you know Cinderella was a cartoon. Though Carolina is reminisent of the smurfs, they are both blue and white and get a lot of laughs on saturday.
ReplyDeleteSo why is States goal in lfe to beat Carolina?
ReplyDeleteBecause when we do it simply proves that you are still nothing like us, the sad part is you are too stupid too realize it after you lose,if you were as good as you actually thought the game would never be close and you would win all the time. We might not beat the really good teams, just the dumb ones who think they are good.
Carolina is nothing like State?
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice thing to say. Then we would have to remember that the last time we won anything was 27 years ago.
You know, teams with losing records shouldn't throw stones.
ReplyDeleteI am way more worried about Duke's football team than that the wolfpuppies. All UNC did the last three years was to prove that a good team can and will get beat by a crappy team if they are caught looking ahead. It wont happen this year.
ReplyDeleteYou guys realize this article is wrong? Bardour said today that the investigation is still ongoing, it will last a long while yet. UNC is going down.....
When I rent mules I usually try to beat them more that a game won by a point.
ReplyDeletestate grads are so dumb with their higher-paying jobs and more difficult classes!
So woofies, is it worth the time to make a big deal out of somehting that will affect 1 of your games at most?
ReplyDeleteEven if UNC doesn't play this year at all, your team will not finish above .500.
I want to take a #2 that smells as bad as this blog, but I can't.
ReplyDeleteSo much for that decision...
ReplyDeleteI bet there's a lot of Coors Light being drunk tonight in redneck UNC land as the reality starts to sink in.
I love the argument from idiots at NSCU Community College about how much harder it is to graduate from NCSU than UNC.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it is harder for the majority of the morons that they admit to NCSU to graduate from that school. Why? Because NCSU lets just about any moron that graduates from an NC high school into their sorry excuse for college. And that means that the IQ and general scholastic abilities of those who are admitted to NCSU are much lower than students admitted to UNC. As a result (and try to keep up with my wolpfackers), the graduation rate at NSCU is going to be lower since your idiot enrollees have a hard time reading and writing in English, which means more of them are going to get sick of flunking classes (and retaking them, which is prohibited at UNC by the way) and will decide to just say fuck it and go back to the farm/gun shop/repair shop/grocery store to get a job with momma or pappa.
so I agree, it is much harder for an NCSU student to graduate from college than it is for a UNC student to graduate from college. Can you imagine how hard it would be for the average NCSU student to graduate from a true research university like UNC? I'll help you out - it would be below 5%
Good call...wait, nevermind.
ReplyDeletenailed it!!!!
You hole fans are finally getting what you so rightly deserved!!!! LOL, fans across the country are laughing at you!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat call, Dr. Blog! Is that doctorate from UNC?
ReplyDeleteMissed it by THAT much!
ReplyDeleteEpic Fail
ReplyDeleteThis blog entry is hilarious.
ReplyDelete"No major violations"
I lollered....
Awesome insight from Dr. Blog.
ReplyDeleteNothing but misinformation and arrogance from the UNC faithful here. Tell me Mr Blog, are you really Breb Garnes?
ReplyDeleteKarma is a bitch, isn't it?
Amazing how the bandwagon has thinned...
ReplyDeleteI guess TOB has it figured out at 5-1 while Butch MF Davis is building a winner at 3-2 and looming sanctions. I can't blame UNC for sticking with him. I like the direction in which he is leading the mighty heels...
LMFAO. Sweet blog.
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck were you talking about here?
ReplyDeleteGood call. Thanks for all of the inside info through this entire process! My readers appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteThese beans are almost too good to spill.
ReplyDeleteexcellent article. i support butch!
ReplyDeleteIs paying players illegal?
ReplyDeleteFuck everyone